
SFG Insights

News and information to help improve your Four Capitals
the approach
What We’re Reading

What We’re Reading: Psychological Capital

We thought we’d share some of the books we’ve been reading related to the Psychological Capital in case any of these pique your interest.

By Jennifer Specter
March 23, 2018

Have Travel Plans? Here are Some Tips to Pack Along.

Most of us tend to travel to places we’ve been to before or come highly recommended by family and friends (social media seems to have replaced the dreaded slideshow!). Those more adventurous may choose a location from an article or travel show.  Regardless of how you choose your next destination, here are some tips to make the most of your travels.

By Jennifer Specter
March 13, 2018
Tax Planning

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: an Overview

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was approved by Congress and signed by President Trump in late December 2017. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act features the most changes to the U.S. tax code in decades and it will impact nearly every individual and business. The SFG Financial Planning team is researching how these changes will impact our clients. Most of the provisions discussed in this article are active for tax years 2018 through 2025. Below is our summary of the how Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will affect individuals.

By Alyssa Dalbey
January 8, 2018
Investment Management

The Risk of Pension Liabilities

One of the macroeconomic areas of risk to the economy is public and private pension liabilities. The former also has an effect on the municipal bond market. The risk to the public and private pension system is underfunding. This happens when a pension fund has liabilities on its balance sheet which outweigh its assets.

By Russ Schultz
January 8, 2018
Investment Management

Shifting the Perception of ‘Emerging Asia’ Away from China

For years now, when people think about Emerging Asia they may find themselves thinking about China. China has dominated the Emerging Asia conversation for the last decade, while smaller but still budding countries barely make a footnote in the conversation. What is SFG’s perspective on what a truer Emerging Asia exposure looks like? It lies within allocating away from China and companies with a massive global reach.

By Schultz Financial Group Inc.
January 8, 2018
Insurance & Risk Management

Fire Safety at Home

To help protect your family and your property, it is important to avoid known causes of fire, install proper fire detection and prevention in your home, and practice your family escape plan, so you know what to do in case of a fire emergency.

By Schultz Financial Group Inc.
January 7, 2018