Back-to-School Cybersecurity Refresh

In this day and age, it’s common to have a phone, a computer, a tablet, an iPod, and more digital devices that leave users susceptible to cybercrime. There is a lot you and your family can do to protect yourselves, so it’s important to discuss what measures you can take every now and then. With school starting back up, now is a perfect time to refresh.

Your Digital Afterlife

What do you imagine when you think of your digital afterlife? In 2013, McAfee completed a study and concluded that we each have an average of $35,000 worth of digital assets. However, 93 percent of people are unaware of or confused about how to quantify and pass along this information. The first step is to identify what you have of value.

The Surprising Facts About Stress

Stress is a hot topic these days. There are many studies that link stress to inflammation and chronic diseases, and it can also influence our behavior and affect every aspect of our life. But some say that a certain amount of stress can be a good thing, as our emotional experience comes down to our interpretation of a situation.