What We Mean by “the Four Capitals of True Wealth”
At SFG, we believe true wealth is so much more than just financial wealth. What good is having financial wealth if you don’t have the health or peace of mind to enjoy it? When founding SFG in 1982, we did not have a concrete idea for the Four Capital Approach, rather it developed naturally over time as we continued to help clients with any issues they had. The Four Capitals approach is designed to serve clients in ways that go beyond their Financial Matters. We also focus on our clients’ Physical Well-being, Intellectual Engagement, and Psychological Space. Through this approach, we provide insights and solutions to support and inspire our clients to take action to live fulfilled lives and increase their longevity. We seek to provide them with an individualized platform and tools to define their path and achieve their personal goals as part of our true value proposition.
Why These Four Distinctions Are So Important
These four distinctions are important because they are designed to help our clients fully enjoy each stage of their lives and the financial successes achieved by their hard work. Though their Financial Matters are of the utmost importance, we also place an emphasis on their Physical Well-being, as health often influences decision-making. We want them to be healthy enough to travel, spend time with loved ones, and learn new skills, all while having the peace of mind that our team of advisors is there to support them along the way. We believe the Four Capitals are interconnected, as illustrated below, and that, when optimized, they can collectively increase longevity and create true wealth.
SFG’s Role in the Four Capitals
The key is “Your Four Capitals,” not SFG’s Four Capitals applied across all clients. While we define the overarching framework, our clients define what each capital means to them and what they want to achieve within each one. Our role is to guide each client in their individual pursuit and practice of their Four Capitals goals. These goals will evolve through different stages of life and life events, so we incorporate updated goal setting as part of our ongoing client engagement. We are committed to being good listeners and providing solutions through our support, network and resources. SFG serves as our clients’ “orchestra leader,” connecting resources and other advisors together so we all work in harmony to help clients achieve their goals. We believe in managing our clients’ balance sheets –across all Four Capitals, and this is paramount to our value proposition.
Examples of how SFG Engages with Clients in these Expanded Ways
The engagement begins with client onboarding, where we work with new clients through a collaborative process to create their Four Capitals Plan. In addition to collecting the standard information needed for financial planning, we help clients define their goals and aspirations for each capital. The resulting Four Capitals Plan serves as the foundation for an ongoing, interactive, and personal relationship. It helps us understand our clients holistically and serve them in a meaningful way.
For Financial Matters, we gather and analyze information from the client, as well as their other advisors (such as their CPA, estate planning attorney, etc.), to strategize for tax planning, estate planning, investments, and more. For investments, we build customized portfolios (which may include private investments) for each of our clients because no two clients have the same Four Capital goals. We provide Family Office services and consult with those clients regarding their family’s values, vision, and mission. Furthermore, we strategize how to share those with the next generation so that their children and grandchildren may be good stewards of the family’s wealth.
For Physical Well-being, we provide clients with a subscription to the Tufts Health & Nutrition Letter, which has prompted clients to engage deeper in health-related discussions with our Physical Capital Resource Manager. We also provide access to articles and resources on Diet & Nutrition, Health & Fitness, and healthy recipes, and guide clients to the information that relates specifically to their Physical Well-being goals.
Like physical health, one’s Intellectual Capital is an invaluable asset, and we recognize that it evolves throughout life. As such, we help clients identify opportunities and resources to harness their natural desires and maximize their intellectual capital during their high-earning years. Then, we help them transform it to their next career, avocation or hobby using their personal skills and experience to positively impact their future.
Last but not least, we believe that keeping a clear mind and a healthy attitude are part of a wealthy, fulfilled life. For Psychological Space, we work with clients to identify what brings them joy and how they can share that with others, whether that be family, friends, or their community. We also help clients identify how they want to contribute to society, as giving back can enhance psychological well-being. Legacy planning is another important part of our Psychological Space services.
Tangible Resources to Support these Services around the Four Capitals
We have several internal resources as well as third-party resources to support our clients’ Four Capitals. We spend a lot of time vetting third-party resources before suggesting them to any of our clients.
To support all Four Capitals, we have also created the SFG Library so clients can peruse the ever-changing collection of resources we are compiling for our clients. As an example, if a client finds a book of interest from our library, then SFG provides the client with a complimentary copy of the book.
Final Thoughts About the Advisor-Client Relationship and SFG’s Value Proposition from Developing our Four Capitals Approach
We learned how we can truly engage with our clients at a deeper level than just their Financial Matters. To do that though, as an advisor we believe we need to go way beyond the traditional industry standards. The Four Capitals approach was developed organically through our practical experience of listening intently and responding sincerely by providing our clients with insights and solutions to support and inspire them to take action with the hope that it would help them lead fulfilled lives. We find it amazing how much we can innovate our approach and impact lives just by listening.
Schultz Financial Group, Inc. (“SFG”) is a registered investment adviser with a primary business location in Reno, Nevada. Registration as an investment adviser is not an endorsement by securities regulators and does not imply that SFG has attained a certain level of skill, training, or ability. Not all services will be appropriate or necessary for all clients, and the potential value and benefit of the SFG’s services will vary based upon the client’s individual investment, financial, and tax circumstances. The effectiveness and potential success of a tax strategy, investment strategy, and financial plan depends on a variety of factors, including but not limited to the manner and timing of implementation, coordination with the client and the client’s other engaged professionals, and market conditions. This should not be construed as specific investment, financial planning or tax advice tailored to an individual reader. All expressions of opinion reflect the judgment of SFG as of the date of publication and are subject to change. This article does not constitute personalized advice from SFG or its affiliated investment professionals, or a solicitation to execute specific securities transactions. Readers should not use any of this content as the sole basis for any investment, financial planning, tax, legal or other decisions. Rather, SFG recommends that readers consult SFG and their other professional advisers (including their lawyers and accountants) and consider independent due diligence before implementing any of the options directly or indirectly referenced above. Past performance does not guarantee future results. All investment strategies have the potential for profit or loss, and different investments and types of investments involve varying degrees of risk. There can be no assurance that the future performance of any specific investment or investment strategy, including those undertaken or recommended by SFG, will be profitable or equal any historical performance level. Additional information about SFG, including its Form ADV Part 2A describing its services, fees, and applicable conflicts of interest and Form CRS is available upon request and at https://adviserinfo.sec.gov/firm/summary/108724.