Tips for Safer Video Conferencing
With most of the nation still sheltering in place as well as practicing social distancing, many of us have taken to the number of video conferencing applications available for work, education, and continuing a virtual social life.
While video conferencing has helped businesses and clients, schools and students, and many families stay connected, it has not been without some security issues. Unfortunately, hackers have figured out how to get into some video conferences and upload unwanted content as well as hack into accounts and steal passwords and other sensitive content.
Here some tips to help secure your next video conference meeting:
- Password protect your meeting. Make sure that the password feature is turned on.
- Verify your attendees. Once all attendees are in, you should have an option to lock out anyone else from joining.
- Have your attendees turn on their video camera so you can use the video of each person to verify attendees.
- Verify links in the chat/messaging feature before clicking on them. Hackers like to use this feature for phishing.
- Notify the software vendor of anything suspicious.
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