Psychological Space

SFG’s Service Heart

SFG’s Service Heart

Psychological Space

“Service Heart” is one of Schultz Financial Group’s core values. We not only take pride in anticipating our clients’ needs and delivering an unparalleled level of service, but also feel great satisfaction in seeing their children and grandchildren grow up to pursue their dreams. In addition to serving our clients, we strive to serve our community by volunteering and giving back, both as a team and as individuals.

As a team, we give back during the holidays. SFG team members bring their families to sing Christmas carols at the VA Hospital each December. While a majority of us are far from being considered good singers, the patients always appreciate the holiday cheer. We also participate in the Adopt-a-Family program that provides gifts to families who may not otherwise afford a holiday celebration.

Individually, SFG employees volunteer at various events throughout the year. SFG’s Alyssa (Yocom) Dalbey recently had the opportunity to volunteer with Yelp Reno at the Ronald McDonald House. Ronald McDonald House Charities has various programs to support families with children undergoing hospital care, such as providing lodging and home-cooked meals, and is run almost entirely by volunteers and donations. Alyssa’s Yelp Reno group members made delicious, healthy meals for about 30 guests.

Here is Alyssa’s perspective on the experience:

“This was my second time cooking a meal for Ronald McDonald House Charities and I had a great time! The service was meaningful and it was nice to share the experience with other volunteers. If you also have a Service Heart, I’d love to hear about how you are giving back to the community! I am always searching for new ideas and new ways to give back, so please feel free to share your community service experiences with me.”

In addition to the house, Ronald McDonald House Charities provides families with mobile health screenings and immunizations, provides scholarships to high school seniors, and provides financial travel assistance to parents when a child’s medical treatment is not available locally. There are many Ronald McDonald Houses across the US and there are other similar organizations that provide this type of care to families in need.

Feel free to give our office a call to speak to Alyssa or any team member about your service heart!


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Where you want to go in life is up to you. How to help you get there is up to us.

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Schultz Financial Group Inc.
10765 Double R Blvd. Suite 200
Reno, NV 89521
Phone: (775) 850-5620
Fax: (775) 850-5639
Email: [email protected]

Where you want to go in life is up to you. How to help you get there is up to us.

Contact us today to start your journey…


Schultz Financial Group Inc.
10765 Double R Blvd. Suite 200
Reno, NV 89521
Phone: (775) 850-5620
Fax: (775) 850-5639
Email: [email protected]

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Copyright © 2018 Schultz Financial Group Inc.

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